Re: CLDR: 2 vs. 4 digit years in US?

From: Doug Ewell (
Date: Tue Dec 06 2005 - 23:15:16 CST

  • Next message: Peter Constable: "RE: CLDR: 2 vs. 4 digit years in US?"

    Rick Cameron <Rick dot Cameron at businessobjects dot com> wrote:

    > Is the CLDR meant to be descriptive or prescriptive?
    > If the former, I would say that 06/12/05 is far more common in North
    > America than 06/12/2005.

    Good question. I hate 2-digit years and never write 'em, but if the
    objective is to describe what most Americans do, well, they write 2

    Doug Ewell
    Fullerton, California, USA

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