Re: Definitive list of Unicode digits

From: Kit Peters (
Date: Fri Jan 13 2006 - 15:37:45 CST

  • Next message: Philippe Verdy: "Re: Definitive list of Unicode digits"

    Right now, I'm only interested in parsing integers, and I am specifically
    *not* interested in Roman numerals. Once we have integers down, then we'll
    move on to other sorts of numbers.

    On 1/13/06, Jukka K. Korpela <> wrote:
    > On Fri, 13 Jan 2006, Kit Peters wrote:
    > > Can someone provide me a definitive list of all Unicode digits?
    > Oops, my previous answer had a programming error. If you use the
    > UnicodeData.txt file for this, you need to check for the 8th
    > field being _nonempty_, so the proper condition is $entry ne '':
    > $dbfile = 'UnicodeData.txt';
    > open(DB,"<$dbfile") || die "Can't open database file $dfile $!";
    > while(<DB>) {
    > @entry = split(';',$_);
    > if($entry[7] ne '') {
    > print $entry[0], " ", $entry[1], "\n"; }}
    > It also occurred to me that maybe the "digit" concept is not quite what
    > you are after. If you are testing a routine for parsing numeric input,
    > then (depending on the definition of the input routine's purpose)
    > you might need to have it accept all numeric characters, e.g.
    > the vulgar fraction ½, Roman numerals, etc.
    > --
    > Jukka "Yucca" Korpela,

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