Re: Ellipsis

From: Guy Steele (Guy.Steele@Sun.COM)
Date: Fri Jan 20 2006 - 15:00:16 CST

  • Next message: Peter Constable: "RE: Ellipsis"

    On Jan 20, 2006, at 3:22 PM, Kenneth Whistler wrote:

    >> Allow me, then, to represent
    >> That it was never my intent
    >> You should be all unwilling bent
    >> Beneath Chicago's yoke,
    >> But merely to explain the rules
    >> It lays forth, as prospective tools
    >> For understanding: only fools
    >> Believe whatever's spoke.
    > ...
    > I didn't think perusing dots
    > And whether CMS alots
    > A full stop in initial spots
    > Would lead us to this point.
    > But since we're here, all rhyme awhile,
    > And punctuate in perfect style.
    > Let's give the list in verse a trial
    > To liven up the joint!
    The two-dot ellipsis
    Haunts Ada and Perl.
    The three-dot ellipsis?
    Well, give me an URL!
    But I'll bet a whole bottle
    Of Selsun Blue tripsis---
    Chicago or not---
    Ain't no four-dot ellipsis!
           (apologies to Ogden Nash)

    And now I shall bow out. Have a good weekend!

    --Guy Steele

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