Antwort: Heiroglyphics in Unicode?

Date: Thu Jan 26 2006 - 02:30:17 CST

  • Next message: Doug Ewell: "Re: Antwort: Heiroglyphics in Unicode?"


    sorry to interupt but to my knowledge Heiroglyhics must be written hiero-
    (greek for holy or something like that). Maybe it also should be
    hieroglyph, plur.: hieroglyphs ?.

    As far as I know there were no hieroglyphs in UNICODE some time ago but
    maybe that changed in the meantime.

    There is also no Maya-script as far as I know (MAYA HIEROGLYPHS ?) and
    also no runic alphabeths!?

    But UNICODE will cope with these problems - if not one should find a
    prominent person/expert and tell him so that he can make his proposals to

    Dieter Glade, Germany

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