Re: The Phaistos Disc

From: Elliotte Harold (
Date: Wed Apr 05 2006 - 18:13:19 CST

  • Next message: Michael Everson: "Re: CLDR: Bad exemplar chars for some locales"

    John H. Jenkins wrote:

    > I would be perfectly happy with this, BTW. IMHO the disk is unlikely to
    > be deciphered and I doubt we'll ever see another example, so
    > functionally the elements can be treated as symbols without full support
    > for them as a developed writing system. If and when I'm proven wrong,
    > we can revisit the issue.

    That's my primary concern. Can we revisit the issue? I don't mind
    encoding the characters, but it seems extremely unwise to assign them
    irrevocable categories until we know more about the script. Personally I
    do think we'll one day have more examples of this script. If I were sure
    that wouldn't happen, I'd say go ahead.

    Elliotte Rusty Harold
    XML in a Nutshell 3rd Edition Just Published!

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