From: Richard Wordingham (
Date: Fri Apr 21 2006 - 04:11:37 CST
Jukka K. Korpela wrote on Friday, April 21, 2006 at 7:02 PM
> There's a potential future problem. Mathematicians keep inventing new
> symbols as they need them, using, say, Latin or Greek letters in some
> particular style (say, bold italic underlined and overlined - there are
> infinite possibilities).
Do you mean seriffed, like <U+1D482, U+0331, U+0304>, or sans-serif, like
<U+1D656, U+0331, U+0304>? (I assume you didn't mean with connecting
underline and overline.)
A few may be overlooked.
But don't forget that the set of CJK ideographs isn't closed either. Very
little is actually closed. I think it would be prudent to reserve a
surrogate plane for fifty years if using sequences of three surrogates
(high-high-low and high-low-low) to extend UTF-16 is unacceptable. If
reserving it hurts, extension is obviously necessary. (Actually, only about
four thousand 'middle surrogate' points need be reserved if we use high-high
surrogate for middle surrogate-low surrogate for middle surrogate-low
surrogate for the points not needed during the lifetime of current UTC
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