Date: Mon Oct 02 2006 - 17:51:44 CST
Dear Ken,
Thank -you for this news. This is what I wanted to find out.
For those who are interested the IRG's report that shows the proposed characters
best goto
the irg submission
pdf files
Though please note these are still pending inclusion, not included.
Thank you Ken
Quoting Kenneth Whistler <>:
> Mike said:
> > In any case here is the
> > list of CJK characters in 5.0.0:
> >
> > 4E00..9FBB F900..FAD9 02F800..02FA1D
> > and 3400..4DB5 (extension A) 020000..02A6D6 (extension B)
> >
> > The CJK radicals are 2E80..2EF3 and strokes 31C0..31CF
> If listing CJK radicals, don't forget the Kangxi Radicals
> block: 2F00..2FDF.
> And John Knightley followed up:
> > At the beginning of the thread a comment was made suggesting
> > some cjk charctes had been added. The IRG already has a list C1 of cjk
> > characters that I expect will be added some time to unicode, I was wrong
> and
> > thought maybe these had been added.
> In late-breaking news, the IRG's C1 list of additional unified
> CJK ideographs was accepted for ballotting last week by WG2.
> They will appear at the range: U+2A700..U+2B77A (4219 total),
> in a new block called "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C".
> That will be part of the Amendment *4* to ISO/IEC 10646:2003,
> which is currently scheduled to start its PDAM ballotting
> on December 15, 2006.
> Assuming that the ballotting on Amendment 4 progresses without
> hitches, that new collection of unified CJK ideographs will
> also eventually be approved for addition to the Unicode Standard
> in some future version, resynchronized with that amendment to 10646.
> --Ken
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