Date: Fri Oct 13 2006 - 06:12:12 CST
Quoting Michael Everson <>:
> At 08:03 +0200 2006-10-13, Jony Rosenne wrote:
> >The majority of the people of the earth cannot read Roman letters.
> I don't believe that's true. Prove it? It's certainly the case that
> the majority of the people of the earth are regularly exposed to
> Latin letters.
Romanized Letters -- more than half the people in the world have been taught
romanized letters a some point in time. eg Chinese Pinyin, and romanized
letters are used predominately in North and South America, and Western Europe.
In Africa Eclsih and French are used widely in eduaction, not to mention
African languages that use romanized letters. Not to mention the use of English
in commonwealth contries (India, Malaysia ). It would be fair to say over half
the world's population have been taught over 20 romanized letters, however it
would be fair to say less than half the world's population are sensitive to
romanized letters.
> >A vaster majority speak no foreign language.
> Monolingualism is not the default state for human beings, actually,
> though in some larger social groups of the present age it may be true.
> --
> Michael Everson *
Agreed as the joke goes what do you call some-one who is monolingual "A native
speaker of English".
John Knightley
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