From: Neil Harris (
Date: Fri Oct 13 2006 - 09:32:56 CST
A slightly more cautious version of the program above:
import os, string, re
filenames = [x for x in os.listdir(".") if ".html" in x]
for filename in filenames:
points = [int(string.join(x, ""), 16) for x in
re.findall(r"U\+([0-9A-Fa-f]+)|([0-9A-Fa-f]+)\(", open(filename).read())
if len(string.join(x, "")) >= 4]
points = {}.fromkeys(points).keys()
print "<h1>", string.replace(filename, ".html", ""), "</h1>"
n = 0
for p in points:
print "&#%d;" % p
n += 1
if n % 40 == 0: print "<br>"
Of course, I give absolutely no guarantee that either this program, or
the previous one, gives the correct results, or is fit for any purpose
whatsoever. Use at your own risk.
-- Neil
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