Re: extracting code values from PDF?

From: Otto Stolz (
Date: Fri Oct 27 2006 - 05:15:46 CST

  • Next message: Michael Everson: "Cyrillic KU (Q)"


    Jukka K. Korpela schrieb:
    > I just realized that there's also a button for the operation that can be
    > added to Word toolbar. The icon contains letter "A", the code "x41" as
    > gray text , and a two-way arrow between them.

    Thanks for that hint. I've just tried it, and it does indeed work.

    > Be prepared to seeing a
    > strange name for the operation, because a localizer may have missed the
    > point completely. (In the Finnish version of Word, the name,
    > back-translated into English, is: "Take the character set into use, or
    > remove it from use". :-) )

    In German, it's "Zeichencode ein/ausschalten" (="switch on/of character
    code") -- which does not make much sense, either.

       Otto Stolz

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