Re: six-points as a new character ? esoteric symbolism

From: V Romain (
Date: Thu Nov 16 2006 - 03:19:31 CST

  • Next message: Don Osborn: "RE: Yahoo Messenger & Unicode: some observations"

    Many thanks for your answer, Mr Whistler.

    Some precisions I am sorry to have forgotten in my preceding mail :

    1 -- Martinism is not a dangerous movement and has no sectarian
    tendency (in the American and even European definition of the term).

    2 -- My example « SI » is not good. It can let think that only
    martinists terms are shorten: in fact, all the martinists terms AND
    all the terms general to masonry and to martinism can be shorten with
    the six-points (also: six-dots).
    -- there is in my documentation two other suppletisms, for lack of
    character in ALL the existing police forces (at least among the 4-5
    esoteric police forces which I know: I must improve my documentation
    on this subject) :

    - masonic three-dots,
    - the sign * with the fonts that are viewing this sign as a star of
    David (other fonts are drawing the star with only 5 directions)

    3-- There are some examples :

    -esoteric 6-points as a symbol (Brazil :

    -esoteric 6-points as a symbol AND abbreviation
    (type on a French heading:

    -esoteric 6-points as a French ( and the
    pdf-book), English (, Dutch
    (, Spain
    ( and the pdf-book),
    Italian ( + abbreviations.

    -suppletism by ::: (,
    by * (

    4-- To find on-line free books will take again 3-4 days, but there are
    29 image documents : (easy
    to see : just follow the arrow), and 59 documents with the 29 first
    similar documents (not so easy to read)

    5-- But a question: the character does not exist - to my knowledge -
    in any fonts. Is it an obstacle with its introduction into Unicode ?


    Romain Vaissermann

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