Date: Mon Dec 04 2006 - 18:39:06 CST
If the only copy you have is a unicode text file then many things,
such as the font, font size, underlining etc have not been saved, only
the text itself has been saved.
One thing is to open the text file in say notepad, select all, then
copy and paste into a new Word Perfect file. This should give you
Prevention is better than cure, saving as you go along, means that if
this happens only the few changes since you last saved should be
affected, rather than several hours work.
yours sincerely
John Knightley
Quoting "Magda Danish (Unicode)" <>:
> Can anyone on the list help with this? This kind of problem comes
> up every now and then, most of the time from people who are not
> computer savvy and using Word Perfect or MS Word, WordPad, etc. I am
> never able to help them restore their files and was wondering if
> anyone on the list ran into a similar problem and would have some
> advice to give.
> Thanks,
> Magda
> -----Original Message-----
> Date/Time: Sun Dec 3 19:38:52 CST 2006
> Contact: Lisa Butler
> Name: Lisa Butler
> Report Type: Error Report
> Opt Subject: Word Perfect file converted to Unicode Text
> I would very greatly appreciate your assistance. I type for
> physicians. While saving a file, my computer locked up. When I
> went to retrieve the file after turning my computer off and on, it
> had been saved with "unicode text."
> I am not very intelligent when it comes to computers and have asked
> friends for help on this, but no one can tell me how to get it back
> to a Word Perfect english typed document.
> Thanks very much.
> Sincerely,
> Lisa Butler
> -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- (End of Report)
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