From: Michael Everson (
Date: Fri Dec 15 2006 - 15:10:41 CST
Mr Lordson, you are either subscribed to or, or you would not have received the mail.
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At 12:36 -0800 2006-12-15, Chris Lordson wrote:
>Please remove me from your mailing list. I do not know any of you!
>Be prepared to answer to a higher power for the day is near!
>John Hudson <> wrote:
>Michael Everson wrote:
>> Many scholars use top or bottom half square brackets to indicate that
>> MSS or papyri are broken or worn away and that the text within the
>> brackets is supplied by the editor.
>> I am looking for an example of this custom in editions in Hebrew or
>> Arabic script (or indeed in any RTL script). Does anyone know of any?
>I have not seen this convention used with Hebrew. There is a
>different set of conventions
>used for e.g. Dead Sea Scrolls transcription, which employs square
>brackets, dots and
>circles to indicate various kinds of damaged letters, erased
>letters, presumed letters, etc.
>John Hudson
>Tiro Typeworks
>Vancouver, BC
>Marie Antoinette was a woman whose core values were chocolate,
>sex, love, nature and Japanese ceramics. Frankly, there are
>worse principles of government than that. - Karen Burshtein
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-- Michael Everson *
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