From: Robert Kidd (
Date: Mon Dec 18 2006 - 17:37:57 CST
First of all, thank you Ken, Addison, and Doug for the helpful push
toward Unicode. I have a question for you Ken (and others if you wish).
You said:
>Note that not having appropriate
>fonts to display unusual languages with strange scripts is
>a problem *whether or not* you encode the translated material
>in Unicode.
I assume you mean that this is a user/translator/browser issue which we
can do nothing about and which I don't think will be a serious problem
since the translators will presumably have the ability to read, write
and view pages in their source language and target language and the
users (potential clients browsing for a translator) will 1) be able to
read the pages in their own language and 2) if their computer is not
set up to display the language then they most likely cannot read the
language and therefore it makes not difference.
I also assume that if the user's machine does not have the correct
fonts they will receive a notification of this and be asked to install
the font from the CD?
I know this is overlapping into Web site development but I have yet to
find a good forum for this discussion, until now of course. ;o) Thank
you once again for all your help.
Robert Kidd, Director
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