From: Shohji Itoh (
Date: Sat Dec 23 2006 - 19:50:49 CST
Thank you for your words.
I found that the Mojikyo 150,000 char._s version (2006.11.-)
have all nums for Ext.A, so today I started to type their num._s to my CVS
So, after, you can view some files by quick brown foxes, or one by me, or
you can make one too.
Ext.B & C, can be say to about in Vietnamese(Annamite?), so I can't know
about them yet.
----- Original Message -----
From: "John H. Jenkins" <>
To: <>
Cc: "Shohji Itoh" <>; "Unicode MailingList"
Sent: Saturday, December 23, 2006 3:10 AM
Subject: Re: U+3401
>I certainly don't, but if someone does, I'd be more than happy to add it
>to the database. (Similarly for the Dae Jaweon.)
> On Dec 21, 2006, at 5:54 PM, wrote:
>> Dear Shohji Itah,
>> As you say the Morohashi numbers are only given for original unified
>> block in Unihan.txt, and that no numbers whether as kMorohashi or
>> kIRGDaiKanwaZiten are given for Extensions A, B, or C.
>> Does anyone know a table of Morohashi numbers for Extensions A,B or C?
>> John Knightley
>> Quoting Shohji Itoh <>:
>>> Hello.
>>> Now on newer Unihan.txt
>>> I can not find Morohasi Num of U+3401,
>>> but the U+3401 char were registed @00039 in the
>>> Morohasi Dict Vol.01 - 284p. (Ten( {- Tem )).
>>> So now I feel that
>>> the char in Ideographs Ext.A
>>> must be named on Sino-Japanese all,
>>> with some way.
>>> And want to get same way
>>> about Ext.B & Ext.C too.
>>> How you feel about them ..?
>>> Anyway, we must input about 70000 char._s
>>> in FEP to use the all char._s on our PC !
>>> Shohji Itoh.
>> -------------------------------------------------
>> This message sent through Virus Free Email
> ========
> John H. Jenkins
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