From: Richard Wordingham (
Date: Thu Jan 25 2007 - 17:19:48 CST
Ruszlan Gaszanov wrote on Thursday, January 25, 2007 9:13 PM
Subject: ZWJ, ZWNJ and VS in Latin and other Greek-derived scripts
+AD4- But again, why aren't we using existing mechanisms - namely ZWJ +ADw-U+-200D+AD4-
+AD4- and ZWNJ +ADw-U+-200C+AD4- for handling ligatures.
In general, the effects of ZWJ and ZWNJ are optional. Thus if I use ZWJ in
'Caesar', it is up to the rendering system as to whether I see something
like 'C+AOY-sar'. (In some scripts, ZWJ and ZWNJ do have effects that are
mandatory on rendering systems.)
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