omission from unihan database?

From: William J Poser (
Date: Thu Mar 01 2007 - 18:29:07 CST

  • Next message: Marion Gunn: "Re: Characters consisting of vertical lines; Possible attempts to encode tally marks"

    The "accounting" number 100 has two variants, U+4F70 and U+964C,
    which differ in that the former has the "human" radical (no. 9, U+4EBB)
    whereas the latter has the mound radical (no. 170, U+961D).
    There is a parallel pair for 1000, consisting of U+4EDF and U+9621.
    However, although U+47F0, U+964C, and U+4EDF are listed in the unihan
    database with the property kAccountingNumeric, there is no such entry
    for U+9621. Am I correct in thinking that this is an omission?

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