From: Ed Trager (
Date: Thu Mar 15 2007 - 19:28:30 CST
Here's an idea:
Why not just give the kids (or the teachers who set it up for the
kids) the option to use *both* Arabic 01234... and Arabic-Indic ٠١٢٣٤
numeral sets ?
This way the kids will get the opportunity to learn both sets, which
they are going to need to learn sooner or later anyway. I don't think
anyone can argue with that, can they?
- Ed Trager
On 3/15/07, Behnam <> wrote:
> On 15-Mar-07, at 2:44 PM, Hans Aberg wrote:
> > On 14 Mar 2007, at 23:14, James Tu wrote:
> >
> >> We are working on a kid's website that targets 5 languages and one
> >> of them is Arabic. We were wondering whether we should be using
> >> (arabic numbers) vs ٠١٢٣٤٣٥٦٧٨٩ (indian
> >> numbers, I found out that the real Arabic numbers are called
> >> indian numbers. :) ) This will mostly be used when a user is
> >> entering and ID number to log into the site.
> >
> > Though not a children's site, here is one in both English and Arabic:
> >
> >
> >
> > Hans Aberg
> The problem of Mr. Tu is a minor one, and characters to be used for
> logging in is not really a language issue.
> I also can not speak for Arabs but I give you another example of
> adult sites, this one in Persian. The journalists of BBC Persian site
> are very knowledgeable Persian writers and maintain an outstanding
> standard of Persian writing. They KNOW that English numbers within
> Persian text don't belong. Yet the numbers are English. This can only
> be a technological limitation forced upon them.
> nuclrear-reso3.shtml
> I view this page with UTF-8 encoding. The numbers are English. I'm
> told IE browsers on PC manage to display them in Persian (Indic).
> Nevertheless the encoding is in English.
> Many people may refer to this page and conclude that English numbers
> in Persian text is an acceptable behavior in Persian language. It is
> not.
> How reliable would be our conclusion, when viewing Aljazeera?
> Behnam
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