RE: Arabic numbers

From: Jonathan Rosenne (
Date: Fri Mar 16 2007 - 07:45:48 CST

  • Next message: Philippe Verdy: "RE: Arabic numbers"

    When the keyboard in in a non-Latin state, none of the Latin letters will be


    > -----Original Message-----
    > From:
    > [] On Behalf Of Hans Aberg
    > Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 1:13 PM
    > To: Behnam
    > Cc: James Tu;
    > Subject: Re: Arabic numbers
    > On 16 Mar 2007, at 00:49, Behnam wrote:
    > > The problem of Mr. Tu is a minor one, and characters to be used for
    > > logging in is not really a language issue.
    > As for account name and password, I use to suggest to only use ASCII
    > letters (a-z, A-Z) and digits (0-9), as the other characters
    > may move
    > around with the keyboard mapping: as one may not know what keyboard
    > mapping is in use, and one cannot see what password one is
    > typing, it
    > can otherwise be quite difficult and frustrating to log in if the
    > keyboard mapping for some reason has changed. :-) (A good password
    > should contain at least one character and one digit, good to mix
    > uppercase and lowercase characters, and should not be easily
    > derivable from the words in a dictionary.) Some Latin script
    > keyboards may have some ASCII letters in different places
    > than the US
    > (like the German), so it may be prudent to not use those letters for
    > this purpose then. I do not know how it works with keyboard mappings
    > for non-Latin scripts.
    > So I think one should consider what method is most reliable for
    > logins, taking into account what keyboard mappings may be in use, or
    > move into place by accident.
    > Hans Aberg

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