CLDR bug report

From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Fri Mar 16 2007 - 15:50:13 CST

  • Next message: Philippe Verdy: "RE: CLDR bug report: coverage"

    Sorry if this goes here in this list, but the Unicode Bug Report form has
    problem when I submit the following message. I get "The system encountered a
    fatal error. internal overflow while sending message. The last error code
    was: No such file or directory."


    Note that when voting for "EQE" this does not delete the current proposal
    and this generates an error when trying to map the same (expected) value
    "Ekwele" to "GQE"...
    Now I have a new similar problem: two identical values for the "AZM" and
    "AZN" currencies (French locale). I try to change "AZM" to "manat azéri
    (1993-2006)" to solve the name ambiguity, but when I try to save it, the
    tool says that it can't have the same value as "AZN", so it rejects the
    proposal, despite the change is made to avoid the existing duplicate. The
    tool rejects it because the existing code value is ambiguous, it should only
    reject proposals that make new ambiguities.
    I have the same problem with the (deprecated) "POLYTONI" variant code...
    which can't be voted for deletion given its current value matches the one
    assigned to "POLYTONI" (which I want to keep).
    My current vetting work suspended until further notice.

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