Re: Mysterious encoding

From: Asmus Freytag (
Date: Sat Mar 17 2007 - 21:52:47 CST

  • Next message: Philippe Verdy: "RE: Implementing NFC"

    On 3/17/2007 7:15 PM, Laurentiu Iancu wrote:
    > Hello,
    > I am trying to decipher a piece of text in an unusual encoding. The
    > text is Cyrillic Mongolian and was received by my friend on Yahoo
    > Groups. Its raw form is somewhat UTF-8-like and consists of byte
    > pairs where the first is 84 hex and the second is mostly in the range
    > 70...8F and occasionally outside the range (40, 42, 43, 91, and maybe
    > a few other values). Besides these pairs, there are some single-byte
    > ASCII characters and a couple of NCRs (barred o and straight u ү
    > and ө). Although I call this raw, I do not know what
    > transcodings Yahoo might have applied to the original text.
    > I tried using the latter byte of the 84-xx pairs as an offset within a
    > range of Cyrillic letters from code page 1251, but did not obtain
    > meaningful words (looking them up did not produce any results).
    > I am pasting below a blob of hex bytes broken down at ASCII
    > boundaries, followed by the full text as viewed in ISO 8859-1. Can
    > somebody please help me decipher this encoding?
    It looks like a double byte encoding in the Shift-JIS style, code page
    932 for example, which has Cyrillic characters. On a Windows platform
    you can use to view code page 932.

    I've decoded the first few letters.
    > Thank you,
    > Laurentiu
    > 84 40 84 7e 84 74 84 85 84 85 84 74 84 70 84 74 20
    0410 043D 0434 0443 ... etc.

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