Re: Comment on PRI 98: IVD Adobe-Japan1 (pt.2)

Date: Wed Mar 21 2007 - 09:29:56 CST

  • Next message: "Re: Comment on PRI 98: IVD Adobe-Japan1 (pt.2)"

    Since these are only recommendations this could happen in either case,
    and still be 100% unicode compliant. Which means on still can not have
    ones cake and eat it.


    Quoting Eric Muller <>:

    > wrote:
    >> There is a similarity to compatibility here, I agree if VS have
    >> been there from the start, no one would have suggested using
    >> compatibility glyphs. However VS have the same problem they can be
    >> normailised out, making round tripping difficult, if not impossible
    >> after normalisation.
    > Not "normalization" proper, but rather "removal of default ignorable".
    > That second operation is vastly more unlikely than normalization. For
    > example, the W3C recommends the (early) normalization of XML documents
    > but they certainly don't advocate that default ignorable be removed.
    > Eric.

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