Re: Cipher notation for music

Date: Mon Apr 02 2007 - 10:26:17 CST

  • Next message: "Re: Cipher notation for music"

    Dear Andrew,

    your jianpu.jpg certainly looks the part, how did you type it in?


    Quoting Andrew West <>:

    > On 02/04/07, <> wrote:
    >> (3) (i)the numbers from 1 to 7
    >> (3) (ii)with either none, one or two (and I suppose in theory three)
    >> lines underneath
    >> (3) (iii) with possiblely a dot either above or below ( and if below
    >> it needs to be below the lines ).
    > Dots above and below with or without up to three underlines works fine
    > on my system using the Doulos SIL font (see attached screenshot).

    > Andrew

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