Date: Wed Apr 11 2007 - 18:47:02 CST
Quoting Ed Trager <>:
> On 4/11/07, <> wrote:
> Since we are talking across OSes, it's probably better to say "support
> beyond the Basic Multilingual Plane". How many people really need
> support for Plane 1 characters, for example? Not that many, right?
Actually support beyond the BMP is important to lots of groups,
another example would be Cantonese, many of the characters are on
Plane 2. Any software, or hardware, for that matter, be they OSes,
webb browsers, mobile phones, e-mail clients, etc IMHO will find it
increasingly difficult to compete in the world market without good
support beyond the BMP.
> In conclusion, I think Peter Constable's excellent question on how to
> describe "the best Unicode support of any OS out there" can best be
> answered by creating a web page which *objectively* describes support
> for various aspects of "Unicode support" on the three major OSes: Mac
> OS X, Windows, and Linux.
I agree the question is a very valid question.
> Such a web site would in fact be very useful to a large number of
> people. But of course it is a bit of work :-).
> And it is also hard to find people who are truly objective -- too many
> of us --myself included!-- are often too "passionate" about one OS or
> another. Most often it is the OS that we have settled on using the
> most. Or in some people's cases, on this mailing list certainly, it
> is the OS they've hacked on the most because of their employment
> status within one of the major OS vendors or within some related
> company.
Breaking the question down in to smaller parts that are very specific
helps people be able to answer questions more objectively.
Such a web site would need to be updated regularly. If the site was
popular it might well influence some OS vendors into increasing
unicode support.
> - Ed Trager
>> Quoting Peter Constable <>:
>>> From: []
>>> On Behalf Of Marnen Laibow-Koser
>>>> Also, Mac OS X probably has
>>>> the best Unicode support of any OS out there
>>> I'm curious: how would you describe "the best Unicode support of any
>>> OS out there"?
>>> Peter
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