Re: Some Fonts can view Compatibility Ideographs Suppliment on MS ?

From: Shohji Itoh (
Date: Sat Apr 21 2007 - 23:34:52 CST

  • Next message: Shohji Itoh: "Re: Some Fonts can view Compatibility Ideographs Suppliment on MS ?"

    Subject: Some Fonts can view Compatibility Ideographs Suppliment on MS ?

    > ex. I need to use x2f847[口縁無糸(哘踉�)]@003952 with all PC users.
    > When MS and benders do them ?

    I said "PC", means that OS echos are with PC, in most popular way,
    if I say OS, means MAC or UNIX too, but can't means that view that on Win
    etc. """too""".

    I said "MS and benders", means that:
    its not about Unicode org,
     you are not "MS and benders", so said
    "MS and benders".
    But if Unicode org have no any relate with each
    code_numbers to "MS and benders",
     I don't say "MS and benders".
    It's with normal basical human saying way.
    You have your own brain or not !!!???

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