Re: Optimus keyboard in the news

From: Marnen Laibow-Koser (
Date: Fri Apr 27 2007 - 23:06:58 CST

  • Next message: Philippe Verdy: "RE: Optimus keyboard in the news"

    On Apr 27, 2007, at 11:31 PM, Don Osborn wrote:

    > The "Optimus Maximus" keyboard that has been in the works since
    > mid-2005(?)
    > is apparently going to be a reality later this year (orders being
    > accepted
    > beginning May 20; first deliveries in Nov.) for a price - over US
    > $1500.

    I've had my eye on these things for a while. Glad to hear they're
    actually being released!

    (Yes, I look forward to not having to squint at Keyboard Viewer.)

    Does anyone else recall Donald Norman predicting this in the late
    1980s, in The Psychology of Everyday Things? It's nice to know that
    the technology finally caught up with the UI dreams.


    Marnen Laibow-Koser

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