From: Adam Twardoch (
Date: Tue May 08 2007 - 14:47:52 CDT
Philippe Verdy wrote:
> They are the same in printed documents
No, they’re not. Traditional typefaces made in England look differently
from traditional typefaces made in France, which is especially true for
serif typefaces. Just like the "mincho" (modulated-stroke) way of
writing the swastika by the Chinese differs from the swastika drawn by
the Nazis, which happened to be monolinear. But the "gothic" monolinear
Chinese or Indic swastika looks the same as the Nazi one, simply because
the Nazis borrowed the Indic symbol and drew it with a plain,
simple-width tool.
Encoding a Nazi swastika makes as much sense as encoding the Pinochet
five-arm-star, the Stalin five-arm-star and the Mao five-arm-star
-- Adam Twardoch | Language Typography Unicode Fonts OpenType | | |
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