Re: The glyph of the CAPITAL SHARP S

From: Michael Everson (
Date: Thu May 10 2007 - 02:38:13 CDT

  • Next message: Richard Wordingham: "Re: The glyph of the CAPITAL SHARP S"

    At 17:32 -0700 2007-05-09, Asmus Freytag wrote:

    >>>ME> I put a PDF up with additional examples. See
    >>I tend to think that 2a-d look wrong next to capital S, though 2e
    >>and 2f seem to get away with the teardrop terminal.
    >>I guess the best candidates are 2f, 3a, and 3f.
    >John's glyph was a better realization of what 3a tries to do.

    I think 3b is closer to John's glyph than 3a. 3a moves from Trajanian
    to Dudensian.

    >3f is way better than 2f (the latter disrupts the flow of the word,
    >whether it's that Tulip bulb or whatever).

    They are identical apart from the teardrop terminal.

    >The IS-like solutions all look odd - I understand where a
    >typographer might be tempted to 'square' the shape, but it doesn't
    >work, somehow.

    I tend to agree.

    Michael Everson *

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