From: Aiet Kolkhi (
Date: Tue Jul 10 2007 - 01:31:06 CDT
Hello Carl,
unfortunately Arial Unicode MS does have spacing problems with Georgian
I would advise using different fonts for Georgian. Windows 200, XP and Vista
come with Sylfaen, which supports Georgian and does not have intercharacter
spacing problems. In order to have Georgian language support activated, one
needs to go to Control Panel > Regional Settings > Languages and tick
"Install support for complex script...".
Sylfaen font can also be downloaded from various online sources.
Another neat solution would be to download open-source, professionally
hinted Georgian typeface called BPG Glaho [1] by BPG Info-Tech.
This typeface defaults for Georgian language support on majority of Linux
I would advise installing the same typeface on OS X, though the upcoming
version of OS X, Leopard, will ship with Georgian font.
Regarding the correct keyboard layouts, Linux distribution already come with
popular transliterated layout, Vista comes with transliterated layout and OS
X comes with no Georgian layout at all.
Please let me know if you require Georgian keyboard layouts for MS XP or
2000, or any version of Apple OS X and I will send the installation
Best regards,
Aiet Kolkhi
On 7/10/07, Magda Danish (Unicode) <> wrote:
> Carl,
> I am re-sending your message to the Unicode list, this time with a
> smaller size attachment. I'm hoping someone will look into your problem
> and help you solve it.
> Magda
> ------------------------------
> *From:* []
> *Sent:* Saturday, July 07, 2007 10:38 AM
> *To:* Magda Danish (Unicode)
> *Subject:* that font-letter spacing problem
> [16 May 2007]
> I have solved many of my Unicode problems. My computer already has the
> capability, and a nearby friend showed me how to download successfully
> foreign fonts and to load them into my Fonts folder to be accessed
> successfully too. But there is the problem with fonts that *cannot be
> tightened up*; that is, there is an unwanted space after most single
> letters of them, and the words and sentences do not look the way they ought
> to.
> Can any one of you offer any suggestions as to how I can fix this problem?
> I was again back to studying Georgian (*gruzinskiy*). If I wrote to a
> friend in Georgia, the message would be too greatly spaced out. Please look
> at the attachment (if it does show in this message) and see how the letters
> are far too open with Arial Unicode MS. With the "paragraph" symbol on the
> toolbar being clicked on, I can see that I have indeed given only one space
> for each actual word, but there is the inherent space problem with each
> letter on its right-hand side. The computer sequence is top toolbar > Format
> > Font > Character spacing > Preview panel. Notice that the *preview panel
> * shows the *correct letter spacing*, whereas the actual text is wide
> open! Kerning choices were entirely ineffective no matter what I changed as
> if to compensate.
> Can anyone help with a way for me to solve this current pressing little
> problem!
> I noticed that after I downloaded a Tibetan font I was similarly unable to
> tighten up the letter spacing, but I cheated by using the Tibetan upper dot,
> which is assigned in Tibetan to separate each word. A space-bar space
> resulted in an unwanted Tibetan letter. I don't know whether the Georgian
> font problem is related to the Tibetan font problem.
> *Arial Unicode MS* has the following: Greek, Cyrillic, Armenian, Hebrew,
> Arabic, nonligatured *devanâgari*, Bengâli, Gurmukhi, Gujarâti, Oriya,
> Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Thai, Lao, Georgian, Hangul, etc., *
> kana*, Hangul etc., half characters. In this font, I did not test the
> other language scripts for this spacing (or kerning) problem.
> Thanks,
> Carl
> Carl Masthay (linguist, retired editor, Algonquianist), 838 Larkin Ave.,
> St. Louis, MO 63141-7758 USA; (314) 432-4231;
> [Don't pronounce the "h" in my surname from Polish Mastaj/Mastej.] For my
> picture and my third book, please see:
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