CLDR vetting closed?

From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Wed Jul 11 2007 - 10:49:13 CDT

  • Next message: Brian Wilson: "Re: Phetsarat font, Lao unicode"

    I see that the CLDR vetting phase has been finally closed, since about one

    The results of the votes are now displayed in the details for each item.
    However the CLDR pages still don't reflect the winning votes in the
    "Proposed CLDR 1.5" column.

    Can this be updated, so that we can see the results, and possibly discuss
    things that were forgotten and should be urgently corrected (because they
    are obviously wrong).

    Or that were blocked from changing from CLDR 1.4 due to a vetter forgetting
    to update its votes (for example default votes from Google data, or some
    votes that were forgotten to change after a discussed policy that was
    generally accepted and causing minor inconsistencies like plural forms) ?

    Now that updates to the database are stopped, and votes have been counted, I
    think that being able to get a complete view of the result would be helpful.
    The various proposals made and votes should be helpful enough to apply some
    consistency checks and such minor corrections to the results, when the CLDR
    TC will finally review the results and approve it in the meeting, with
    additional information provided by vetters or visitors detecting forgotten
    errors in the current stage.

    Can someone from the CLDR TC make some announcement of what will come next,
    and the experience gained from this much larger vetting process, and things
    that should be done and discussed prior to the next release and then for
    preparing the next CLDR version round, and a possible agenda?

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