RE: Generic base characters

From: Kent Karlsson (
Date: Tue Jul 17 2007 - 18:24:10 CDT

  • Next message: Sinnathurai Srivas: "Re: Generic base characters"

    1) There is absolutely no requrement, from Unicode's side, to include a dotted circle in a font.
    2) As I've mentioned (quite often by now), Unicode does NOT require inserting dotted circles like that.
    However, it does not rule it out either, as it should do (at some appropriate level).
    (There is no dotted circle in the character string below, but some systems, ill-advicedly, insert one
    during display.)
        /kent k


    From: Sinnathurai Srivas []
    Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 1:08 AM
    To: Behnam
    Cc: Michael Maxwell; Kent Karlsson; Asmus Freytag; Unicode List
    Subject: Re: Generic base characters

    உந்தி முதலா முந்துவளி தோன்றித்
    தலையினும் மிடற்றினும் நெஞ்சினும் நிலைிப்
    There may be two or more reasons why you are not seeing the dotted circle.
    1/ The font you use may have illegally omitted to include dotted circle within the font
    2/ The rendering engine you use may not support Unicode requirements on dotted circle
    3/ Their may be other reasons.
    Also I think that the data you received would still have code for dotted circle included within it, even though you are not able to see it.
    ie, It is not only a visible effect, but dotted circle is part of (archived) data.

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Behnam <>
    To: Sinnathurai Srivas <>
    Cc: Michael Maxwell <> ; Kent <> Karlsson ; Asmus Freytag <> ; Unicode List <>
    Sent: 17 July 2007 23:30
    Subject: Re: Generic base characters


    I'm not quite sure I'm getting it.


    On 17-Jul-07, at 6:02 PM, Sinnathurai Srivas wrote:

    Dotted circle does not indicate one has made an error, but it indicates that this is a Unicode bug due to�design errors.

    3.1.1 line2 at <>


    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.5 : Tue Jul 17 2007 - 22:55:48 CDT