Re[6]: marks (2 new symbols)

From: Dmitry Turin (
Date: Mon Oct 01 2007 - 13:28:02 CST

  • Next message: Dmitry Turin: "Re[2]: marks (2 new symbols)"



    PV> Think about concatenation with your notation: what is the result of "#o"
    PV> plus "#nu" : "#o#nu" or "#onu" ?
    Let's "#" is "own name", and "$" is "abbreviation".
    #ab + #cd = #ab#cd
    $ab + $cd = $abcd
    But concatenation without intermediate blank is non-actual examples
    (think about results like 'XNLSuio').
    Please, think not about abstract theory, but about real practice, meeting in life.
    You bring examples, which is not meeting.
    If i'm wrong, write __real__ example from programming or something else.

    Let's imagine impossible - this 'XNLSuio'-concatenation are executing.
    Even in this case, searching in databases (including full-text databases)
    is much often operation, than concatenation.
    Thus __searching has priority over concatenation__ .
    Searching is gold of proposal,
    if you can't memorize and repeatedly ask me.

    PV> what will be the meaning of "#1" or "#!" : not all subsequents
    PV> characters would be letters of a bicameral script!
    "#1", "#!" and so on means letters, which we bind with this code.
    It's unnecessary, that "!" and "#!" will be two variant of the same
    (one) letter.

    PV> if you remove the distinction between small letters and capitals
    Whole difference between encoding of lower-case and upper-case letters
    consist of that lower-case letter is written by N byte,
    and upper-case letter is written by N+1 bytes.

    PV> distinctions between capitals and small letters,
    PV> including linguists that need them in their standardized orthographies
    any upper-case letter 'x' __in any position in a word__ can be written
    by anticipating it by sign "own name" , i.e. so '#x' (where '#' is "own name")

    PV> effect of word breakers
    No influence from these two signs to word breakers.

    PV> line breakers
    This is break in place of blank !!

    PV> that will have to ... parse an additional unneeded symbol
    If encoding table has no upper-case letters themselves,
    then additional symbols "own name" and "abbreviation" is needed
    to write upper-case letters.

    PV> In conclusion, the "*" proposal (next word in all capitals) is superfluous
    PV> and just complicate things. So if it remains just your "#" proposal (next
    PV> letter only in capital)
    1-st your step: you postulate absurdity of "*".
    2-nd step: you infer exchanging of "*" by "#" from absurdity.
    3-rd step: you get double size of text, and detect it as bad property.
    Maybe you infer, that initial suggestion is wrong (1-st step),
    instead of to ask me about bad property !?

    PV> German Esstsett, the Greek sigma and theta, that have distinct
    PV> initial and final forms in lowercase, but not in capitals, or the Greek iota
    PV> subscript, or the historical long s form and its ligatures that may have
    PV> their own distinctions, lost when written in capitals).
    Identical (capital) form of two letters is partical case of
    different (capital) form.

    PV> small letters and capital letters are infact defining separate alphabets
    I can't agree in lights above.

    Dmitry Turin
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