Re: New brackets (6 new symbols)

From: Mark E. Shoulson (
Date: Tue Oct 02 2007 - 06:59:34 CST

  • Next message: Otto Stolz: "Re: New brackets (6 new symbols)"

    Dmitry Turin wrote:

    > Otto,
    > I seek attentively, so i think,
    > that bracket "stanket" (stand for egg) is __really necessary__
    > especially because cognitive dissonance between brackets,
    > existing in Unicode now.
    Remember, Unicode isn't going to encode things that "ought to be used."
    Unicode is descriptive, it encodes things that *are* used. Unless you
    can show that people *are* using your stanket brackets, this proposal
    has no legs. Arguing how great it would be IF people would use them is a
    waste of time: even if you are right, Unicode is interested only after
    you have convinced people to start using them.

    And don't get to me about how they can't use them if they aren't
    encoded. That chicken-and-egg argument didn't work for me regarding
    Klingon. People will find ways to use them, just like they did before
    Unicode when they had to draw in funny symbols in all kinds of harder ways.


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