From: Mark Davis (
Date: Tue Oct 02 2007 - 08:59:34 CST
Also, there were some interesting suggestions for syntax additions that may
be worth mentioning in informative text.
1. not equals
As well as
- \P{propname=value} and [:^propname=value:]
to have:
- \{propname!=value}, \p{propname≠value}
- [:propname!=value:], [:propname≠value:]
2. multiple values
- propname=value1|value2|value3...
- \p{gc=L|M|Nd} instead of [\p{gc=L}\p{gc=M}\p{gc=Nd}]
3. regex values
- propname=/regexForValue/
- \p{name=/MARK/} or equivalently \N{/MARK/}
open issue: whether it matches or searches. That is, to match all characters
with names starting with "LETTER" does one use:
- \N{/LETTER.*/}
- \N{/^LETTER/}
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