Re: Fish (was Re: Marks)

From: Asmus Freytag (
Date: Tue Oct 02 2007 - 11:24:28 CST

  • Next message: David Starner: "Re: Re[2]: Brackets and integrals: behaviour of rasterizator"

    On 10/1/2007 3:59 PM, Kenneth Whistler wrote:
    > I was planning to leave this thread where it was, gasping for
    > breath beached on shore -- a nearly dead fish, but...
    > Asmus was looking for specific citations of the use of the symbol
    > and noted:
    >> PS: wasn't able to locate a home page, but see the link, the first
    >> reviewer mentions the fish in the ads for that company - they are far
    >> from the only ones, but probably more frequent in other parst of the
    >> country.
    > Lincoln Towing's use of the symbol can be see in this image
    > of their business:
    > F106A3477AAC27C88D2E0B03&Partner=400240
    > (My apologies if the email breaks up the URL using that absurdly
    > long 256-bit identifier.)
    Thanks for unearthing this. I had forgotten how they were using the
    fish. You are correct that their usage has built the symbol into the
    logo itself, and we don't encode such usages. However, I've come across
    (printed) instances where it is used as independent symbol in commercial
    materials. I'm not in the right part of the country to be easily able to
    lay hands on specimen of that sort.

    It is the latter type of usage that brings this into the pool of symbols
    that are eligible to be evaluated for encoding. Unfortunately, it's
    unlikely that even you will find many online examples of such use, due
    to the lack of character encoding - all you can expect to find online is
    instances where this has been turned into a picture (or logo).


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