Khmer, display of consonant shifters

From: Eric Muller (
Date: Sun Oct 07 2007 - 12:13:32 CDT

  • Next message: Andy Heninger: "Re: Proposal for matching negated sets (was Re: New Public Review Issue: Proposed Update UTS #18)"

    1. The consonant shifters are displayed with a kbieh kraom sign
    (identical to the u sign) below the consonant whenever there is a vowel
    sign, or a part of it, above the consonant. I am wondering what happens
    in a couple of cases:

    - the vowel is ya or ie, i.e. it has a piece both above and below. Is it
    true that those vowel signs write the same vowel sound regardless of the
    register of the consonant they are applied to, and therefore there is
    never the need of writing a consonant shifter with those vowel signs?

    - the vowel is u+nikahit. Same as in the previous case?

    - there is something else than a vowel above the consonant, e.g. a
    bantak. Is the consonant shifter also displayed with a kbieh kraom sign?

    - there is a vowel sign above and a subjoined consonant that goes below
    (e.g. kho, cho, ttho, ba, yo, ssa)

    2. Unicode provides a way to force the display to be above. Is there a
    case of a semantic difference between a display below and a display above?

    3. The last sentence of TUS 5 p391, "In such cases, U+200C is inserted
    before the vowel sign, as show in the following examples". Both the
    previous sentence and the examples show it before the consonant shifter.
    May be the last sentence should simply be "For example:"?


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