Re: Alignment of IANA language subtag registry to ISO 639-3

From: Doug Ewell (
Date: Mon Oct 08 2007 - 18:32:30 CDT

  • Next message: Doug Ewell: "Re: Blackberry"

    Addison Phillips <addison at yahoo dash inc dot com> wrote:

    > There is also a draft registry update (edited by Doug Ewell).
    > Currently the mailing list is discussing how to handle macrolanguages
    > and there are semi-regular teleconferences. See the LTRU list for
    > details.

    For those who are interested in the proposed, greatly expanded Registry,
    it is contained within a huge Internet-Draft located at:
    (plain text, official version, 874 kB)
    (HTML version, 754 kB)

    This version assumes the existence of two separate categories of
    language subtag, "primary" and "extended," which may not survive in the
    final drafts. Any discussion of the pros and cons of this issue, or
    anything else about the effort to update BCP 47, should be directed to
    the LTRU mailing list.

    Doug Ewell * Fullerton, California, USA * RFC 4645 * UTN #14

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