Re: New FAQ page

From: James Kass (
Date: Fri Oct 12 2007 - 09:52:26 CDT

  • Next message: Peter Constable: "RE: New FAQ page"

    Andrew West wrote,

    > ... Creating
    >such graphics may not be "normal usage" but it is a valid and probably
    >quite common usage, and I am glad that at least some fonts and
    >software support such usages.

    I'm glad, too.

    And, creating such graphics may be one of the most common current
    uses for VS characters.

    This may change soon with the Adobe proposal to register literally
    scads of "gaiji"* using variation sequences. (Note, Adobe already has
    an architecture ("SING") for handling "gaiji".)

    There may well be concern that users will actually employ such sequences.
    And that, since so many existing fonts don't support them, those users
    might just happen to see a visual indication that something isn't working.
    Wouldn't that be a shame? If some think it would be (a shame), then the
    current flurry of activity with respect to the display of unsupported
    characters (and sequences) becomes understandable, if no less unsupportable.

    Best regards,

    James Kass

    * Note, the term "gaiji" appears to mean "personal or idiosyncratic
    character" in Japanese. Something like that. (OK, it doesn't mean
    that, exactly. Look it up.)

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