From: Anto'nio Martins-Tuva'lkin (
Date: Sat Oct 20 2007 - 10:30:48 CDT
On 2007.10.20, 11:09, Ivan Sarajèiæ wrote:
> And shall we add op]ina RU@|]
> :)
> (interesting error)
Yep. In spite of this entity's commendable and obvious competence in
Heraldry and Vexillology, someone has to give them advice on both image
file formats (exporting flags and emblems to .jpg?!) and software
localization: I guess that "op]ina RU@I]" should have been "opèina RUŽIÆ",
Anyway, this mistake would never have been commited to cloth because this
is a Croat designers' outfit issuing manufactoring specs for a Croat
client. But if it were, say, a Thai manufactor producing for the, say,
Nunavut market, such mistake would go unchecked and someone would have to
dispose of a countainer full of flags with "%#&$#@" instead of Canadian
Sylabics text (such as <ca-nu-iq.html>).
This not only proves that text should not be used as an element of flag
design ;-) but especially illustrates quite well the importance of good
Unicode-aware software in a globalized market.
(BTW, our page <hr-si-rz.html> is also an example of this problem — and if
Heraldic art d.o.o. can excuse themselves that the upgrade of their Adobe
Illustrator to a Unicode-aware version is too cotsly, FotW cannot argue
that typing "č" and "ć" instead of "c'" is an additional
-- António MARTINS-Tuválkin ____. <> | ()| Não me invejo de quem tem |####| PT-1500-111 LISBOA carros, parelhas e montes | +351 934 821 700, +351 217 150 939 só me invejo de quem bebe | ICQ:193279138 a água em todas as fontes |
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