RE: thorn vs. y or th, eth and other similar letters/signs

From: Peter Constable (
Date: Mon Oct 29 2007 - 10:54:32 CST

  • Next message: "RE: Component Based Han Ideograph Encoding (WAS: Level of Unicodesupport required for various languages)"

    > From: [] On
    > Behalf Of Philippe Verdy

    > ----------------+-------+---------------------+------------------+
    > Old/Mid English | Subj. | Obj. | Reflected | Adj. | Possess.|
    > ----------------+-------+---------------------+------------------+
    > 1st sing. | I | Me? | Myself | My | Mine |

    Can we fix the headings? "Subj(ect)" and "Obj(ect)" are tolerable, though usually noun or pronoun declensions use case labels -- in this instance they would be "nominative" instead of "subject" and "accusative" instead of "object". ("Subject" and "object" are terms pertaining to grammatical relations, which are more abstract than the morphological case categories, which pertain to the forms.)

    "Reflected" should be changed to "Reflexive".

    Re "Adj(ective)" and "Possess(ive)", both of these are possessive. "My" is a possessive adjective; "mine" is a possessive pronoun.


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