From: Peter Constable (
Date: Tue Oct 30 2007 - 09:04:19 CST
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of Ben Monroe
> > [IDS] should be considered a better-than-nothing stop-gap
> > until something appropriate comes along (either an encoded character
> > or a registered variation sequence). I suppose that a text in say
> > Zhuang could use a custom font to hide the fact that most of it
> > consists of IDSs, but in such a case Unicode explicitly warns that no
> > operation other than display-related ones will likely work. Using an
> > IDS in running text is a hack.
> Considering the rejected characters, "until" does not seem appropriate.
Rejected characters? I don't see any characters on the rejected list that have any connection to Zhuang, IDS or CJK.
> For such IDS is the only option. And not much of an option either
> since very few environments can actually render it.
Indeed, not much of an option at all for running text, as John suggested. But not the only option: there is also PUA for private used until public encodings are available. That would probably be a better option for anybody wanting to work with Zhuang running text.
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