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- Maybe reply: Christopher Fynn: "Re: Unicode 5.1, Egyptian Transliteration, and Fonts"
- Maybe reply: Benjamin M Scarborough: "Re: Unicode 5.1, Egyptian Transliteration, and Fonts"
- Maybe reply: Charles: "Re: Unicode 5.1, Egyptian Transliteration, and Fonts"
- Reply: Anto'nio Martins-Tuva'lkin: "Re: Unicode 5.1, Egyptian Transliteration, and Fonts"
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Michael Everson wrote:
>2. U+0313 cannot be used for the Egyptological Yod because its case
>behaviour in Greek does not apply to Latin or Cyrillic. In Latin and
>Cyrillic, U+0313 sits atop both uppercase and lowercase letters. This
>happens in natural orthographies for minority languages.
The same could be argued for U+0301 yet this already serves as the acute
accent when used with Latin script, positioned above capital letters, and as
the tonos or oxia accent when used with Greek script, positioned to the left
of capital letters. Similarly U+0300 serves both as the Latin acute accent
and the Greek varia accent. These combining marks also behave differently
when used for Vietnamese. Script/Language dependent behaviour of combining
accents is already a feature of Unicode, so U+0313 should be able to
function as both the Greek spiritus lenis and as a diacritic for composing
the Egyptological Yod when used with Latin script.
Charles Cox
- Next message: Michael Everson: "Re: Unicode 5.1, Egyptian Transliteration, and Fonts"
- Previous message: Asmus Freytag: "Re: Unique character names"
- Next in thread: Michael Everson: "Re: Unicode 5.1, Egyptian Transliteration, and Fonts"
- Maybe reply: Michael Everson: "Re: Unicode 5.1, Egyptian Transliteration, and Fonts"
- Maybe reply: Christopher Fynn: "Re: Unicode 5.1, Egyptian Transliteration, and Fonts"
- Maybe reply: Benjamin M Scarborough: "Re: Unicode 5.1, Egyptian Transliteration, and Fonts"
- Maybe reply: Charles: "Re: Unicode 5.1, Egyptian Transliteration, and Fonts"
- Reply: Anto'nio Martins-Tuva'lkin: "Re: Unicode 5.1, Egyptian Transliteration, and Fonts"
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