From: Erkki I. Kolehmainen (
Date: Sun Dec 30 2007 - 01:06:02 CST
What Jukka is referring to as a way to enter Latin letters with diacritics and strokes in a consistent manner is actually implemented both by Microsoft as an evaluation version for Finland and also in the Linux environment. The keyboard layout is based on the traditional Finnish/Swedish keyboard.
I'll send a separate note to invite all interested experts to participate in a CEN Workshop on Multilingual Extensions to European (read: Latin) Keyboard Layouts. Our experience is one of the inputs to this Workshop. Also Mr Pentzlin was one of the participants in the meeting that recommended the setting up of this workshop.
Regards, Erkki
Erkki I. Kolehmainen
Tilkankatu 12 A 3, FI-00300 Helsinki, Finland
Puh. (09) 4368 2643, 0400 825 943; Tel. +358 9 4368 2643, +358 400 825 943
-----Alkuperäinen viesti-----
Lähettäjä: [] Puolesta Asmus Freytag
Lähetetty: 29. joulukuuta 2007 22:10
Vastaanottaja: Jukka K. Korpela
Kopio: Unicode List
Aihe: Re: List of Latin characters which look the same but are encoded differently
My view is that there's nothing wrong with using a distinctive label on
a keyboard, even to the point of choosing the lowercase letter for some
keycaps. I suspect that most users would try that key with a shift to
get the uppercase and not think twice about the inconsistency.
When consistency gets in the way of getting the job done, it's no longer
a help, but a hindrance.
Using dead-key hacks seems a terrible idea - unless it allows you to
achieve a consistency of approach. In other words, a keyboard layout
where all diacritics can be typed as deadkeys has a certain consistency
of its own, and might be easier to use for those typists that need to
copy a wide variety of letter forms (e.g. from a list of names).
Learning a dozen deadkeys would seem way easier than to learn three or
four times that many key-combinations (not key-strokes) for precomposed
The worst design would be one, where you could never predict which
combination might be available via dead-keys and which might not be, for
example if the barred D required a deadkey but the Polish barred L might
On the other hand, if I had to guess which design a standards body might
come up with...
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