Re: The Geejay

From: Karl Pentzlin (
Date: Fri Jan 04 2008 - 15:55:38 CST

  • Next message: arno: "Re: chairless hamza (in reply to Khaled)"

    Am Freitag, 4. Januar 2008 um 14:22 schrieb Andreas Stötzner:

    AS> I happen to unearth another sample of Geejay in a book of the same
    AS> publisher.
    AS> See
    AS> and scroll
    AS> down that page.

    This scan shows another two "new" characters: a kind of n-j ligature
    (as stated on the page) and a kind of l-i ligature.

    I presume that a systematic survey on dictionaries using other
    phonetic systems than IPA will "unearth" a lot of other symbols of
    this kind.

    In my opinion, a proposal to add such characters to Unicode (based
    e.g. on the fact that there is a need to cite such phonetic notations
    exactly) must be based on a systematic survey on (e.g.) dictionaries
    published in Germany, and must solve the problem of the use of the
    same letters in Antiqua and Fraktur with different meanings in a
    convincing way.

    I do not see a priority for such work as long as phonetic systems
    which are still in use, like Teuthonista or landsmĺlsalfabetet, are not

    - Karl Pentzlin

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