Re: Geejay and others

From: Andreas Stötzner (
Date: Mon Jan 07 2008 - 04:18:45 CST

  • Next message: Andreas Stötzner: "Re: old Latin chars"

    Am 06.01.2008 um 23:01 schrieb André Szabolcs Szelp:

    > …

    > Andreas, I like the 1940 dictionary you presented, though I'm still
    > missing the exact signatures of both works on your homepage.
    If that is of any importance to you:
            Langenscheidts Taschenwörterbuch der französischen und deutschen
            Erster Teil Französisch-Deutsch, Neubearbeitung von H. Schwarz; 8.
            Langenscheidtsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Berlin 1929.

            Langenscheidts Taschenwörterbuch der Italienischen und deutschen
            Erster Teil Italienisch-Deutsch, Neubearbeitung von Dr. Rudolf Stoff;
    1. Aufl.
            Langenscheidtsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Berlin 1940.

    > …

    > I believe it was Kent who noted an l-i ligature. I believe from
    > looking at the picutes that it's actually a fraktur l and antiqua
    > superscript i digraph instead. Though they might be ligated. Combining
    > fraktur and antiqua glyphs to represent a single phoneme is not
    > unprecedented, see the d[Gj] digraph for the dzh sound which features
    > a fradtur d. Andreas, could you post some higher-resolution scans of
    > the mentioned [li] please? I'd be thankful.
    It’s both Fraktur l and superscript i, though not actually ligated but
    cast onto one single body.

    > A last question: is that an Latin small R with Ogonek on the scan
    > saying (instance marked with <>): "_Lateinische_Buchstaben_ oder
    > _Zeichen_ (o, [Gj], [nj], <r>) bezeichnen italienische Laute [...]"?
    > It seems to be one on that scan, though not on the one below detailing
    > the pronunciation. An argument being a not-simple letter would be its
    > position not after the o ("Lateinische Buchstaben"), but rather being
    > grouped with [Gj] and [nj] ("Zeichen").
    It is just a fluff on the scan.


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