Re: Viewing Source...

From: Ed Trager (
Date: Wed Jan 09 2008 - 12:53:09 CST

  • Next message: Waleed Oransa: "Re: Directionality Standard"

    Hi, Damon,

    Another Unicode editor worth mentioning is Yudit (, for
    which a Windows binary is now also available (source code and packages
    for Linux and other *nix platforms have always been available).

    Yudit will allow you to open and save files in any of the three main
    Unicode transformation formats (encodings): UTF-8, UTF-16, or UTF-32.
    In addition Yudit (on Linux at least) comes with a tool which allows
    you to convert numerous other legacy encodings (such as various
    Windows code pages) to the more modern UTF formats.

    I believe Yudit or the included tool will also allow you to convert
    various escaped formats such as ASCII texts containing things like
    "\u203d" -- Not sure if HTML entities are handled or not though.

    Yudit is definitely worth taking a look at -- At the very least, a
    tool such as Yudit along with some additional reading on how Unicode
    works will undoubtedly demystify most of it.

    Best - Ed

    On Jan 9, 2008 12:38 PM, Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven
    <> wrote:

    > -On [20080109 18:16], Damon Anderson ( wrote:
    > >I maybe an old dog trying to learn new tricks, but I simply can't
    > >understand how Unicode is implemented in GUI editors. From Word to
    > >OpenOffice to DreamWeaver when I type Unicode characters and then go to
    > >look at the source I see nothing but gobbledy gook hodge podge of odd ASCII
    > >characters or Character pairs/groups.
    > Personally I am happy enough using (g)vim on Unix and Windows for my Unicode
    > needs, but you could also try out BabelPad by our very own Andrew West for a
    > good Unicode supporting editor. Alternatively there are a lot of other editors
    > that should be ok. Notepad2 also supports Unicode editing and has syntax
    > highlighting for various file formats (if you're on Windows).

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