Re: Proposal to encode three combining diacritical marks for Low German dialect writing

From: James Kass (
Date: Fri Jan 18 2008 - 16:40:02 CST

  • Next message: Karl Pentzlin: "Re: Proposal to encode three combining diacritical marks for Low German dialect writing"

    Karl Pentzlin wrote,

    > The proposed COMBINING LONG VERTICAL LINE BELOW is admittedly a border
    > case, although it is not pure obvious to equate it with the existing
    > U+0329 COMBINING VERTICAL LINE BELOW. It also may have an identity
    > as a character, rather than being a glyph variant only.

    The page linked above has an example of the combining vertical line below
    as it is used in Yoruba. (The second example on the page.)

    (I've also seen Yoruba examples where the vertical line is a bit longer.)

    It's a glyph variant, in my opinion. Adding an appropriate annotation
    to U+0329 might be a solution.

    Best regards,

    James Kass

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