Re: stacking diacritcs and fullwidth characters

Date: Wed Jan 30 2008 - 02:32:33 CST

  • Next message: James Kass: "Re: stacking diacritcs and fullwidth characters"

    Quoting John Hudson <>:

    >> However much cipher music has Chinese lyrics, and for these full
    >> width numbers are best. Can the same stacking diacritics be used
    >> for the full width numbers? If so, does any font support them yet?
    > In theory, there is no reason why this cannot be made to work using
    > OpenType font GPOS mark positioning. But I'm not aware of any fonts
    > that implement this.
    > John Hudson

    Dear John,

    thank-you, GPOS certainly manages to centre the dots correctly-at
    least in some applications.

    U+0332 combining low line however needs to be half or full width
    depending upon the width of the character it is combined with.

    It would appear from comparng that Code2000 and SIL Doulos use some
    other mechanism to produce stacking.

    For some reason - the stacking feature, by mark to ligature does not
    seem to work. This however maybe due to other factors.


    > --
    > Tiro Typeworks
    > Gulf Islands, BC
    > The Lord entered her to become a servant.
    > The Word entered her to keep silence in her womb.
    > The thunder entered her to be quiet.
    > -- St Ephrem the Syrian

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