RE: Exemplifying apostrophes

From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Wed May 21 2008 - 18:53:25 CDT

  • Next message: Asmus Freytag: "Re: Exemplifying apostrophes"

    Beside this current problem, it should be noted that only 3 (4?) languages
    have reached stage 5 (complete and reviewed) : English, French and
    Portuguese (Iberian and Brasilian).

    But there's still a bug:
    - The French version has been reviewed and is correct in all pages that use
    the right single quote and not the ASCII quote: counting the characters
    used, and the XML, plain-text, HTML, and PDF formats.
    - But the presentation HTML page for French
    ( is still using the ASCII quote.

    And another problem:
    - Also in articles 4, 18, 21.3, 22, 25.1, 26.1 there's a semi-colon missing
    a non-breaking space before it (NNBSP is possibly preferable, but NBSP is
    widely used in most French sources, SPACE is always incorrect as well as
    semicolon without any spacing before it, because no paragraph can be wrapped
    so that a line will start by a semi-colon in French, and this space also has
    fixed width and is not variably extensible like regular spaces: only minor
    expansion equal for all characters is tolerated when building justified
    narrow columns of texts, like in the original UN resolution published in
    both English and French, side by side, on 10 december 1948 during the 183rd
    plenary session):
    - This is standard rule for all punctuation signs drawn using more than one
    glyph, and that need some spacing around them (the only exception is the
    ellipsis written without spaces before them, and long dashes that also need
    spacing for the inner side). Note that the scanned original version from the
    UN includes this non-breaking narrow space (in French AND ALSO in English,
    but not necessarily in the same articles, as the use of semi-colon is left
    discretionary depending on translation needs and clarity: a semicolon is
    used in article 26.1 in French due to the problem when translating
    "generally" which may become ambiguous if not clearly separated from the
    second part of the sentence before which it is used). If you are not
    convinced that this narrow space is there before semicolons (in French and
    English), compare with the positions of commas and full dots.
    - However the UDHR translation repository site chose to not accept any space
    except regular SPACE. This is clearly a problem at least for French (so no
    spacing at all is used for now before semi-colons in any of the proposed
    formats), even though this typographic rule (as well as the doubled width
    for spaces after sentence-ending full dots in English only but not in
    French) could possibly be infered by the renderer (but only if the language
    is correctly labelled with some extra markup).

    Hmmm.... How does the reviewing works?

    > -----Message d'origine-----
    > De :
    > [] De la part de Philippe Verdy
    > Envoyé : mardi 20 mai 2008 04:13
    > À : 'Jim Allan';
    > Objet : RE: Exemplifying apostrophes

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