Re: Last resort font

From: Simon Montagu (
Date: Thu Jun 12 2008 - 16:11:40 CDT

  • Next message: Behnam: "Re: Last resort font"

    Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
    > Simon Montagu wrote:
    >> This also might be a good time to note that the next version of
    >> Firefox,
    >> due to be released some time this month, falls back to displaying the
    >> Unicode value in hexadecimal for codepoints not covered by any
    >> available font.
    > This presumably implies that if the Last Resort (or LastResort?) font
    > has been installed, a glyph from it is displayed instead. And this is
    > better for people with no idea of Unicode, as well as to some who have
    > some idea. It might be worse for people who know Unicode: they will see
    > just the generic glyph (which they might or might not recognize in its
    > intended meaning, by intuition or by having learned it), not information
    > about the specific code point.

    I discovered that there is in fact a serious disadvantage when
    LastResort is installed on systems other than OSX: applications don't
    know to give it lower priority than other fonts, and both Firefox and IE
    sometimes use it even for scripts that I already have fonts for.

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